
Crashed; burned

I recently played in my first draft of M14.

It's a core set, so drafting it can't be that hard, right? There have been countless articles dedicated to what decks you should try to draft, so all you have to do is pick one and go with it, right?

So why did I immediately ignore the list and try to draft mono-red burn?

(It is because I am a doofus.)

I didn't win a single match. Heck, I think I may have won a single game all night.

Yup. Self-immolatingly bad.

I don't draft often, but I'm fairly certain this was the worst draft I've ever done, and I have nobody but myself to blame. For posterity, here's the trash deck that I assembled, and immediately went 0-3 with:

17 Mountain

1 Striking Sliver
1 Dragon Hatchling
1 Blur Sliver
2 Dragon Egg
1 Regathan Firecat
3 Sliver Construct
2 Canyon Minotaur
1 Marauding Maulhorn
1 Pitchburn Devils
1 Fleshpulper Giant

1 Barrage of Expendables
1 Shock
2 Thunder Strike
2 Volcanic Geyser
1 Chandra's Outrage
1 Shiv's Embrace
1 Lava Axe

Sure, it's got some decent removal, but what's more important is what was missing. Rares! I didn't draft any rares! And beefy creatures! I didn't use any creatures larger than 5/3!

Ultimately my key failing is that I passed up several great cards, just because they weren't red. It was awful, and I feel dirty just admitting how poorly I did.

Next time, I'm drafting Slivers. Or red-green aggro. Or anything.

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